Frequently Asked Questions
Do returning students and sibling applicants receive any admissions preference?
Returning students and sibling applicants do receive preference over an equally-qualified new student, but all applicants must qualify for acceptance through the assessment/interview process.
How does the wait pool work?
Unfortunately, there may be times when we have more qualified applicants than spaces. If this is the case, please communicate with the office indicating whether or not you wish to keep your child's application in the wait pool. We do not determine the wait pool order based on application submission date; should a space become available, the Administration will look to the entire wait pool to best fill that particular opening.
How do I pay my application fee?
Either by mail (3195 Everett Dr, Reno, NV 89503) or bring cash or check (made to The King's Academy) to the TKA office.
Online at Please note that there is a required 2.2% processing fee for credit cards, and a $0.25 processing fee for bank account transfers.
Why is there a required family interview before acceptance?
The family interview is a way for The King's Academy leadership to get to know students and families on a personal level to make sure that TKA is the right fit for your family.
How do I re-enroll my student for next year?
School Year 2025-2026 re-enrollment for current students begins in January 2025. Please login to Gradelink and click on the re-enroll tab on the left side. If you need access to your account, please contact the office.

Get in Touch
Tel: 775-747-1254